Lion's Mouth Cave

Lion's Mouth Cave

Lion's Mouth Cave

Cedar City, UT
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Lion's Mouth Cave was named due to its distinctive appearance of looking like the mouth of a Lion. It is sacred to the local Native Americans. Lion's Mouth Cave is located west of Cedar C... more

Lion's Mouth Cave was named due to its distinctive appearance of looking like the mouth of a Lion. It is sacred to the local Native Americans. Lion's Mouth Cave is located west of Cedar City, Utah and can be reached by taking highway 56 west to Pinto road. Travel about 1.2 miles on Pinto road until there is a pullout on the right hand side of the road. A trail with signs goes up to the cave. The site is protected by the state of Utah.

miles (round-trip)
Features & Amenities
Kid Friendly
Pet Friendly
Picnic Worthy
Location & Contact Information

Pinto Road
Cedar City, UT 84721
United States

37.597108, -113.376094


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